Charge cars

No code | Adaptive design & development

Car gallery

Charge cars is an Arrival satellite team that develops high-end replica of iconic cars using electric engines. Working together with MadeByMad Agency, our challenge was to create mobile user experience that allows users to explore all the car details.




UI Design


1. 428x926px is our maximum-size canvas to use
2. 80% of users don’t use a mobile landscape mode for web exploring, so we have 428px width screen as a maximum width.

Things we didn’t expect

Swipe and drag gestures were not a big difference for users. And some users messed up with slide switching. We’ve changed our conception.

“Explore the interior” feature

We’ve noticed that using a portrait mode to explore the vehicle interrior looks like a head movement and we made a couple of renders from driver and passenger view.

What we’ve learned

1. In some cases swipe and drag gestures are not a big difference for users
2. People don’t use landscape mode of their phones even if they watch a video
3. Sometimes you need to think outside of your device screen view 😉

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